COD GALBEN: 26-03-2025 ora 10 Intre 26 martie, ora 12 - 28 martie, ora 12 se va semnala cantități de apă însemnate

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Descriere: epa11987406 Alternative for germany (AfD) candidate for the office of German Parliament 'Bundestag' vice-president Gerold Otten (2-L) and Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and faction co-chairman Tino Chrupalla (3-L) and Alternative for Germany party (AfD)f faction parliamentary manager in the German parliament Bundestag Bernd Baumann (R) and Alternative for Germany (AfD) party honorary chairman Alexander Gauland (L) look on after the announcement of the first election round was made during the parliament's constituent session in Berlin, Germany, 25 March 2025. The 21st German Bundestag holds its first, constituent session following the 23 February general elections. EPA/CLEMENS BILAN
Cuvinte cheie: session, politician, parliament
ID fotografie: 18132613
Redactor: EPA
Locatie: Berlin - Germany
Dimensiune: 8192 x 5464 px
Realizat: 2025-03-25
Introdus: 2025-03-25 17:12:07


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