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Descriere: epa11850374 A furnished recreation of one of the rooms in the secret annex where Anne Frank, her family, and four other Jewish inhabitants hid for two years from the Nazis in Amsterdam, Netherlands during World War II as part of the exhibit 'Anne Frank The Exhibition' at the Center for Jewish History in New York, New York, USA, 24 January 2025. The 7,500-square-foot multimedia installation, which was organized by the Anne Frank House museum, opens on 27 January 2025, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and features a historical documents, photographs and a full-scale recreation of the secret annex where Anne Frank, her family, and four other Jewish inhabitants hid for two years from the Nazis in Amsterdam, Netherlands, during World War II. EPA/JUSTIN LANE
Cuvinte cheie: remembrance, history, girl, diary, books
ID fotografie: 17962031
Redactor: EPA
Locatie: NEW YORK - United States
Dimensiune: 6660 x 4440 px
Realizat: 2025-01-24
Introdus: 2025-01-24 21:32:03


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