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Descriere: epa11825531 Hindu boys attend Bratabandha, a coming of age ceremony, at the Pashupati temple in Kathmandu, Nepal, 15 January 2025. During the Bratabandha religious ceremony, boys shave their heads, beard and perform rituals for about four to five hours, symbolically meaning they are now mature enough to perform their duties as grown men. Following the ritual, they are each given a janai, or sacred thread, and are henceforth expected to abide by the rules and norms of full-aged men, taking an active part in religious ceremonies, last rites rituals, marriages, etc. EPA/NARENDRA SHRESTHA
Cuvinte cheie: ritual
ID fotografie: 17931389
Redactor: EPA
Locatie: Kathmandu - Nepal
Dimensiune: 7000 x 4680 px
Realizat: 2025-01-15
Introdus: 2025-01-15 08:26:35


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