COD PORTOCALIU: 12-03-2025 ora 10 Intre 13 martie, ora 10 – 13 martie, ora 18 se va semnala intensificări puternice ale vântului COD GALBEN: 12-03-2025 ora 10 Intre 13 martie, ora 22 - 14 martie, ora 10 se va semnala intensificări ale vântului 

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Descriere: epa10711384 Supporters of the New Democracy party wave flags as they celebrate the exit poll results in the Greek general elections outside the party's headquarters in Athens, Greece, 25 June 2023. With nearly 90 percent of the votes counted, New Democracy will form a stand-alone government for a second term with 158 seats in a 300-seat Parliament and 40.51 percent of the votes, followed by SYRIZA with 47 (17.84 percent) and PASOK-KINAL with 32 seats (11.97 percent). Greece held its second general election in five weeks on 25 June, after current Prime Minister Mitsotakis won the May 2023 elections but fell short of enough seats in parliament to form a government. EPA/GEORGE VITSARAS
Cuvinte cheie:
ID fotografie: 16489240
Redactor: EPA
Locatie: ATHENS - Greece
Dimensiune: 6234 x 4156 px
Realizat: 2023-06-25
Introdus: 2023-06-25 23:52:16


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