COD PORTOCALIU: 28-03-2025 ora 10 Intre 28 martie, ora 10 – 29 martie, ora 12 se va semnala precipitații importante cantitativ, iar la munte la altitudini de peste 2000 m viscol puternic COD GALBEN: 28-03-2025 ora 10 Intre 28 martie, ora 10 - 29 martie, ora 06 se va semnala intensificări ale vântului

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Descriere: epa08663255 Polish workers build a temporary sewage pipeline across a pontoon bridge to stop waste from being dumped into the Vistula River after the city's main sewage collector pipeline and its backup failed, Warsaw, Poland, 12 September 2020. The construction is to carry an alternative pipeline transporting Warsaw sewage to the 'Czajka' treatment plant in northern Warsaw. A pipe sending sewage to the 'Czajka' treatment plant in northern Warsaw had a breakdown on 05 September 2020, just a year after the main collector pipe failed. This prompted Warsaw authorities to carry out a controlled discharge of waste into the Vistula River. EPA/TOMASZ GZELL POLAND OUT
Cuvinte cheie:
ID fotografie: 14012770
Redactor: EPA
Locatie: WARSAW - Poland
Dimensiune: 3888 x 2592 px
Realizat: 2020-09-12
Introdus: 2020-09-12 13:33:13


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