COD PORTOCALIU: 28-03-2025 ora 10 Intre 28 martie, ora 10 – 29 martie, ora 12 se va semnala precipitații importante cantitativ, iar la munte la altitudini de peste 2000 m viscol puternic

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Descriere: epa07690327 Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez attends a press conference at the end of a Special European Council in Brussels, Belgium, 02 July 2019. Heads of states or governments from EU member states agreed on Charles Michel as the new President of the European Council and nominated German Minister of Defence Ursula von der Leyen as European Commission president, Christine Lagarde as president of the European Central Bank and Josep Borrell as EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET
Cuvinte cheie:
ID fotografie: 12649462
Redactor: EPA
Locatie: BRUSSELS - Belgium
Dimensiune: 3138 x 2330 px
Realizat: 2019-07-02
Introdus: 2019-07-02 21:03:45


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