COD PORTOCALIU: 12-03-2025 ora 10 Intre 13 martie, ora 10 – 13 martie, ora 18 se va semnala intensificări puternice ale vântului COD GALBEN: 12-03-2025 ora 10 Intre 13 martie, ora 22 - 14 martie, ora 10 se va semnala intensificări ale vântului 

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Descriere: epa09851950 A view of Cordoba's Mosque, with its lights turned off on occasion of Earth Hour, in Cordoba, Spain, 26 March 2022. Landmark buildings turn off their lights for one hour to take part in the Earth Hour movement as a sign of their commitment to the planet. Earth Hour is an annual event organized by the WWF World Wide Fund for Nature in which lights are switched off in major cities around the world to draw attention to energy consumption and its environmental effects. EPA/Salas
Cuvinte cheie:
ID fotografie: 15451374
Autor: Salas
Redactor: EPA
Locatie: Cordoba - Spain
Dimensiune: 4464 x 2976 px
Realizat: 2022-03-26
Introdus: 2022-03-26 22:48:16


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